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Christian Quarter of Jerusalem

Humility & Service

He Washed Feet

Support the Cause
Jesus washing the feet of his disciples came with so much significance for both his disciples in this intimate moment and for all Christians who strive to follow Jesus’ example and teachings.
This selfless act displayed Jesus’ amazing humility!
He took the role of a servant to wash the dusty and dirt-covered feet of his disciples. Jesus was setting an incredible example of what it is to be “Christ-like” through his humble actions. Status, pride, or even dirt did not stop him from rolling up his sleeves to serve the men who had been at his side throughout the duration of his ministry.

If you knew you only had a short time left on this earth, how would you spend it?


Jesus came to serve, not be served.  
Join us on our mission to ensure children across the globe have food & water security, education, and proper shelter. 

100% of the proceeds go to the cause.
Children Reading the Holy Bible
"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."

John 13:15

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